The Badascan is a reissue of an special run of pedals done for the denizens of an old forum thread called the “DoomRoom”. It was offered up to ONLY those who were regular contributors.
Since that time the questions have persisted.
The Badascan is a hybrid Pharaoh/LSTR at its heart.
LSTR gives its high gain and distortion voicing style of gain and grit.
Pharaoh gives its input hi/lo switch,a clipping switch in which the Badascan replaces Germanium with LED for a more open and crunchy sound with less compression, and the Pharaoh style tone controls with fixed mids.
Its loud.
Its brash.
Its gainy.
Short Sound clips can be heard on the Black Arts Instagram account.
Limited to 13 Badascan on bare aluminum,2 on gloss black.
(((( SOLD OUT))))